Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-2921

TA loci of Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292

Number of TA loci: experimental0; insolico18

TA ID Related MGEs Organism (replicon) Genome accession Toxin Antitoxin Family/Domain
in_silico TA289636 - Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS01300 (ataT) IHO92_RS01295 (ataR) ataRT/DUF1778(antitoxin)
in_silico TA289637 - Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS02910 (yhaV) IHO92_RS02915 (prlF) prlF-yhaV (relBE)/YhaV-PrlF
in_silico TA289638 GI Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS03500 (mqsR) IHO92_RS03505 (mqsA) mqsRA (relBE)/MqsR-MqsA
in_silico TA289640 - Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS04855 (mazF) IHO92_RS04850 (mazE) mazEF/PRK09907-MazE
in_silico TA289641 - Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS05200 (higB) IHO92_RS05205 (higA) higBA (relBE)/HigB-HigA
in_silico TA289642 - Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS06275 (vapC) IHO92_RS06270 (vapB) vapBC/VapC-VagC
in_silico TA289643 GI Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS10920 (hipA) IHO92_RS10925 (hipB) hipBA/HipA-HipB
in_silico TA289648 - Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS13530 (yoeB) IHO92_RS13535 (yefM) yefM-yoeB (relBE)/YoeB-YefM
in_silico TA289649 - Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS17485 (Hha) IHO92_RS17480 (TomB) Hha-TomB/-
in_silico TA289650 GI Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS20265 (yjhX) IHO92_RS20270 (yjhQ) yjhX-yjhQ/YjhX-GNAT
in_silico TA289651 - Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (chromosome) NZ_LR882493 IHO92_RS20810 (chpB) IHO92_RS20815 (chpS) chpSB/PRK09812-ChpS
in_silico TA289653 Plasmid Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (plasmid 2) NZ_LR882494 IHO92_RS23740 (parE) IHO92_RS23745 (parD) parDE/-
in_silico TA289654 Plasmid Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (plasmid 2) NZ_LR882494 IHO92_RS23820 (parE) IHO92_RS23825 (parD) parDE/RelE-RHH
in_silico TA289659 Plasmid Escherichia coli isolate 2016-17-292 (plasmid 3) NZ_LR882495 IHO92_RS24135 (TsxA) IHO92_RS24140 (TsxB) TsxAB/Xre(antitoxin)
experimentalExperimentally validated     insolicoBioinformatically predicted