Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-009161

TA loci of Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916

Number of TA loci: experimental0; insolico17

TA ID Related MGEs Organism (replicon) Genome accession Toxin Antitoxin Family/Domain
in_silico TA162715 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS00390 (yoeB) HV326_RS00385 (yefM) yefM-yoeB (relBE)/YoeB-YefM
in_silico TA162716 GI Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS00475 (higB) HV326_RS00470 (higA) higBA (relBE)/COG4683-HTH_37
in_silico TA162718 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS01495 (PumA) HV326_RS01490 (PumB) PumAB/COG3657-dnstrm_HI1420
in_silico TA162720 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS05325 (Hha) HV326_RS05330 (TomB) Hha-TomB/-
in_silico TA162721 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS07465 HV326_RS07470 Hha-TomB/RES-TIGR02293
in_silico TA162722 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS07950 (KacT) HV326_RS07945 (KacA) kacAT/DUF1778(antitoxin)
in_silico TA162723 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS09600 (relE) HV326_RS09595 (relB) relBE/ParE-RelB
in_silico TA162724 ICE Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS11200 (tacT) HV326_RS11205 (tacA) tacAT/DUF1778(antitoxin)
in_silico TA162733 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS13860 (higB) HV326_RS13855 (higA) higBA (relBE)/COG4683-HTH_37
in_silico TA162734 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS14495 (hipA) HV326_RS14500 (hipB) hipBA/HipA(toxin)
in_silico TA162737 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (chromosome) NZ_CP056132 HV326_RS22365 (vapC) HV326_RS22370 (vapB) vapBC/LOTUS_5_Limkain_b1(toxin)
in_silico TA162738 Plasmid IS/Tn Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00916 (plasmid pRHBSTW-00916_2) NZ_CP056133 HV326_RS22850 (vagD) HV326_RS22845 (vagC) vagCD/VapC-VagC
experimentalExperimentally validated     insolicoBioinformatically predicted