Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-002161

TA loci of Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216

Number of TA loci: experimental0; insolico18

TA ID Related MGEs Organism (replicon) Genome accession Toxin Antitoxin Family/Domain
in_silico TA164121 GI Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS00280 (higB) HV128_RS00285 (higA) higBA (relBE)/COG4683-HTH_37
in_silico TA164122 GI Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS00365 (yoeB) HV128_RS00370 (yefM) yefM-yoeB (relBE)/YoeB-YefM
in_silico TA164123 GI Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS00480 (vapC) HV128_RS00485 (vapB) vapBC/VapC-MazE
in_silico TA164124 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS01495 (PumA) HV128_RS01490 (PumB) PumAB/COG3657-dnstrm_HI1420
in_silico TA164128 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS07920 (hipA) HV128_RS07915 (hipB) hipBA/HipA(toxin)
in_silico TA164129 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS08550 (higB) HV128_RS08555 (higA) higBA (relBE)/COG4683-HTH_37
in_silico TA164136 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS11465 (tacT) HV128_RS11460 (tacA) tacAT/DUF1778(antitoxin)
in_silico TA164137 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS14600 (KacT) HV128_RS14605 (KacA) kacAT/DUF1778(antitoxin)
in_silico TA164138 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS15080 HV128_RS15075 kacAT/RES-TIGR02293
in_silico TA164139 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS17560 (Hha) HV128_RS17555 (TomB) Hha-TomB/-
in_silico TA164141 - Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (chromosome) NZ_CP056751 HV128_RS22645 (vapC) HV128_RS22650 (vapB) vapBC/LOTUS_5_Limkain_b1(toxin)
in_silico TA164142 Plasmid IScluster/Tn Enterobacter hormaechei strain RHBSTW-00216 (plasmid pRHBSTW-00216_2) NZ_CP056752 HV128_RS23295 (vagD) HV128_RS23290 (vagC) vagCD/VapC-VagC
experimentalExperimentally validated     insolicoBioinformatically predicted