Detailed information of T6SS

Note: only experimentally validated proteins are displayed in the graph.


T6SS ID T6SS01249 experimental
T6SS type Type Unknown
Strain Shigella sonnei CIP106347
Replicon (GenBank) (-)
Location -
Function anti-bacterial
Comment Shigella sonnei Encodes a Functional T6SS Used for Interbacterial Competition and Niche Occupancy
[1] Anderson MC, Vonaesch P, Saffarian A, Marteyn BS, Sansonetti PJ. et al (2017) Shigella sonnei Encodes a Functional T6SS Used for Interbacterial Competition and Niche Occupancy.. Cell Host Microbe. 21(6):769-776. [PudMed:28618272]
experimental Experimental investigation has been performed.