Cagbeta is a component of Cag T4SS. Cagbeta is the coupling protein

Proteins belonging to this kind of component are listed
(You can select < 50 proteins to perform sequence alignment by MUSCLE)
#ComponentProtein ID T4SS Accession Organism
1 Cagbeta15645150CagNC_000915Helicobacter pylori 26695
2 Cagbeta298736214CagNC_014256Helicobacter pylori B8
3 Cagbeta208434446CagNC_011333Helicobacter pylori G27
4 Cagbeta108562924CagNC_008086Helicobacter pylori HPAG1
5 Cagbeta15611540CagNC_000921Helicobacter pylori J99
6 Cagbeta210134726CagNC_011498Helicobacter pylori P12
7 Cagbeta308182678CagNC_014555Helicobacter pylori PeCan4
8 Cagbeta188527639CagNC_010698Helicobacter pylori Shi470
9 Cagbeta308184313CagNC_014560Helicobacter pylori SJM180
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