CagD is a component of Cag T4SS. CagD is a protein may serve as a unique multifunctional component of the T4SS that may be involved in CagA secretion at the inner membrane and may localize outside the bacteria to promote additional effects on the host cell

Proteins belonging to this kind of component are listed
(You can select < 50 proteins to perform sequence alignment by MUSCLE)
#ComponentProtein ID T4SS Accession Organism
1 CagD15645171CagNC_000915Helicobacter pylori 26695
2 CagD298736193CagNC_014256Helicobacter pylori B8
3 CagD208434466CagNC_011333Helicobacter pylori G27
4 CagD108562946CagNC_008086Helicobacter pylori HPAG1
5 CagD15611560CagNC_000921Helicobacter pylori J99
6 CagD210134747CagNC_011498Helicobacter pylori P12
7 CagD308182701CagNC_014555Helicobacter pylori PeCan4
8 CagD188527610CagNC_010698Helicobacter pylori Shi470
9 CagD308184293CagNC_014560Helicobacter pylori SJM180
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