Staphylococcus agnetis strain 9081

TA loci of Staphylococcus agnetis strain 908

Number of TA loci: experimental0; insolico5

TA ID Related MGEs Organism (replicon) Genome accession Toxin Antitoxin Family/Domain
in_silico TA049331 - Staphylococcus agnetis strain 908 (chromosome) NZ_CP009623 EP23_RS17390 (tsbT) EP23_RS17395 (tsbA) tsbAT/-
in_silico TA049332 - Staphylococcus agnetis strain 908 (chromosome) NZ_CP009623 EP23_RS18280 (mazF) EP23_RS18285 (mazE) mazEF/MazF(toxin)
in_silico TA049336 Plasmid IS/Tn Staphylococcus agnetis strain 908 (plasmid unamed) NZ_CP009624 EP23_RS24380 (yoeB) EP23_RS24375 (yefM) yefM-yoeB (relBE)/Txe-RelB
in_silico TA049337 Plasmid IS/Tn Staphylococcus agnetis strain 908 (plasmid unamed) NZ_CP009624 EP23_RS24400 (pemK) EP23_RS24405 (pemI) pemIK/MazF-doc
experimentalExperimentally validated     insolicoBioinformatically predicted