Shewanella xiamenensis strain NUITM-VS21

TA loci of Shewanella xiamenensis strain NUITM-VS2

Number of TA loci: experimental0; insolico6

TA ID Related MGEs Organism (replicon) Genome accession Toxin Antitoxin Family/Domain
in_silico TA042629 - Shewanella xiamenensis strain NUITM-VS2 (chromosome) NZ_AP026732 OO995_RS01770 (parE) OO995_RS01775 (parD) parDE/ParE-YefM
in_silico TA042630 Prophage Shewanella xiamenensis strain NUITM-VS2 (chromosome) NZ_AP026732 OO995_RS06825 (hicA) OO995_RS06820 (hicB) hicAB/-
in_silico TA042632 - Shewanella xiamenensis strain NUITM-VS2 (chromosome) NZ_AP026732 OO995_RS12060 (parE) OO995_RS12055 (copA) ParE-CopA/ParE-RHH
in_silico TA042634 Plasmid Shewanella xiamenensis strain NUITM-VS2 (plasmid pNUITM-VS2_2) NZ_AP026734 OO995_RS22105 (higB) OO995_RS22100 (higA) higBA (relBE)/COG4683-HTH_37
experimentalExperimentally validated     insolicoBioinformatically predicted