Citrobacter freundii strain RHBSTW-003421

TA loci of Citrobacter freundii strain RHBSTW-00342

Number of TA loci: experimental0; insolico12

TA ID Related MGEs Organism (replicon) Genome accession Toxin Antitoxin Family/Domain
in_silico TA163743 Prophage Citrobacter freundii strain RHBSTW-00342 (chromosome) NZ_CP056595 HV167_RS03675 (ykfI) HV167_RS03670 (yfjZ) ykfI-yfjZ/CbtA-CbeA
in_silico TA163744 - Citrobacter freundii strain RHBSTW-00342 (chromosome) NZ_CP056595 HV167_RS04555 (cptA) HV167_RS04550 (cptB) cptAB/Cpta(toxin)
in_silico TA163755 IS/Tn Citrobacter freundii strain RHBSTW-00342 (chromosome) NZ_CP056595 HV167_RS18520 (ykfI) HV167_RS18515 (yafW) yafW-ykfI/CbtA-CbeA
in_silico TA163756 - Citrobacter freundii strain RHBSTW-00342 (chromosome) NZ_CP056595 HV167_RS20485 (ypjF) HV167_RS20490 (yfjZ) yfjZ-ypjF/CbtA-CbeA
in_silico TA163757 - Citrobacter freundii strain RHBSTW-00342 (chromosome) NZ_CP056595 HV167_RS21845 (yeeV) HV167_RS21840 (yeeU) yeeUV (cbtA-cbeA)/CbtA-CbeA
in_silico TA163758 - Citrobacter freundii strain RHBSTW-00342 (chromosome) NZ_CP056595 HV167_RS21985 (yeeV) HV167_RS21980 (yafW) yeeV-yafW/CbtA-CbeA
experimentalExperimentally validated     insolicoBioinformatically predicted