Shewanella chilikensis strain DC571

TA loci of Shewanella chilikensis strain DC57

Number of TA loci: experimental0; insolico4

TA ID Related MGEs Organism (replicon) Genome accession Toxin Antitoxin Family/Domain
in_silico TA142853 - Shewanella chilikensis strain DC57 (chromosome) NZ_CP045857 GII14_RS04265 GII14_RS04260 /Xre(antitoxin)
in_silico TA142854 GI IS/Tn Shewanella chilikensis strain DC57 (chromosome) NZ_CP045857 GII14_RS05470 (ataT) GII14_RS05475 (ataR) ataRT/DUF1778(antitoxin)
in_silico TA142856 Prophage IScluster/Tn Shewanella chilikensis strain DC57 (chromosome) NZ_CP045857 GII14_RS08025 (mazF) GII14_RS08020 (chpS) mazF-chpS/PRK09907-MazE
experimentalExperimentally validated     insolicoBioinformatically predicted