Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F1

TA loci of Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F

Number of TA loci: experimental0; insolico10

TA ID Related MGEs Organism (replicon) Genome accession Toxin Antitoxin Family/Domain
in_silico TA103066 - Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F (chromosome) NZ_CP028724 C7I31_RS06055 (txpA) - (ratA) txpA-ratA/-
in_silico TA103069 - Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F (chromosome) NZ_CP028724 C7I31_RS06055 (txpA) - (ratA) txpA-ratA/-
in_silico TA103072 - Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F (chromosome) NZ_CP028724 C7I31_RS06055 (txpA) - (RNAII) txpA-RNAII/-
in_silico TA103073 - Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F (chromosome) NZ_CP028724 C7I31_RS06415 (txpA) - (ratA) txpA-ratA/-
in_silico TA103076 - Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F (chromosome) NZ_CP028724 C7I31_RS06425 (txpA) - (ratA) txpA-ratA/-
in_silico TA103079 - Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F (chromosome) NZ_CP028724 C7I31_RS06425 (txpA) - (ratA) txpA-ratA/-
in_silico TA103080 - Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F (chromosome) NZ_CP028724 C7I31_RS06425 (txpA) - (ratA) txpA-ratA/-
in_silico TA103083 - Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F (chromosome) NZ_CP028724 C7I31_RS06425 (txpA) - (ratA) txpA-ratA/-
in_silico TA103084 - Enterococcus faecalis strain CVM N60443F (chromosome) NZ_CP028724 C7I31_RS14340 (fst) - (RNAII) fst-RNAII/-
experimentalExperimentally validated     insolicoBioinformatically predicted