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Full list
Plasmid list
Chromosome list
Only T4SS-containing replicons are listed

#Repliconascending1descending1Taxonomy ID T4SS numberascending2descending2 Number of relevant effectors * ascending2descending2
1Leptotrichia buccalis C-1013-b chromosome 523794 1 0
2Legionella longbeachae NSW150 plasmid pLLO 661367 1 0
3Legionella pneumophila str. Lens chromosome [2 structure] [7 accesspry protein] [2 interaction]297245 3 235 [11 experimental]
4Legionella pneumophila str. Paris plasmid pLPP 297246 1 0
5Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila str. Philadelphia 1 chromosome [48 structure] [9 accesspry protein] [65 interaction]272624 4 [2 experimental] 296 [170 experimental]
6Legionella pneumophila str. Lens plasmid pLPL 297245 1 0
7Leuconostoc citreum KM20 plasmid pLCK1 349519 1 0
8Listeria welshimeri serovar 6b str. SLCC5334 chromosome 386043 1 0
9Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e chromosome 169963 1 0
10Legionella pneumophila str. Paris chromosome [2 structure] [7 accesspry protein] [7 interaction]297246 4 [1 experimental] 258 [29 experimental]
11Legionella longbeachae NSW150 chromosome [1 structure] [3 accesspry protein] 661367 3 [1 experimental] 97
12Leptothrix cholodnii SP-6 chromosome 395495 1 0
13Legionella pneumophila str. Corby chromosome [2 structure] [7 accesspry protein] [1 interaction]400673 5 [2 experimental] 250 [11 experimental]
14Legionella pneumophila 2300/99 Alcoy chromosome [7 accesspry protein] 423212 4 246 [8 experimental]
Total55 structure, 40 accesspry protein, 75 interaction 31 [6 experimental] 1382 [229 experimental]

experimental Number of T4SSs that are from experimental literatures

experimental Number of T4Ses that are from experimental literatures

structure Number of structure of T4SSs components

accesspry protein Number of accessory proteins of T4SSs for substrate-channel docking.

interaction Number of information on host-pathogen interaction.
* Number of effecters that can be delivered by T4SS(s) encoded by the replicon. In some cases, effectors are not encoded by the same replicon that coding for T4SS.