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Only T4SS-containing replicons are listed

#Repliconascending1descending1Taxonomy ID T4SS numberascending2descending2 Number of relevant effectors * ascending2descending2
1Geobacter sp. M21 chromosome 443144 1 0
2Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5 chromosome 272568 4 0
3Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5 chromosome 272568 3 0
4Geobacter lovleyi SZ chromosome 398767 1 0
5gamma proteobacterium HdN1 chromosome 83406 2 0
6Gluconacetobacter xylinus NBRC 3288 plasmid pGXY020 (NC_016021) 634177 1 0
7Gallibacterium anatis UMN179 chromosome 1005058 1 0
Total0 structure, 0 accesspry protein, 0 interaction 13 0
* Number of effecters that can be delivered by T4SS(s) encoded by the replicon. In some cases, effectors are not encoded by the same replicon that coding for T4SS.