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Organism: Streptococcus pneumoniae DP1322
#IDICE nameICE familyReplicon
147 experimental Tn5251 (part of Tn5253)Tn916-
2364 Tn5253Tn5253-
experimental Data derived from experimental literature
The genome map is not available as this strain has not been completely sequenced.
ElementNo. of sequencesDownloadAlignment
ICEs2Fasta Nucleotide sequence comparison by webACT
(1) Santoro F; Oggioni MR; Pozzi G; Iannelli F (2010). Nucleotide sequence and functional analysis of the tet (M)-carrying conjugative transposon Tn5251 of Streptococcus pneumoniae. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 308(2):150-8. [PudMed:20487027] experimental
(2) Provvedi R; Manganelli R; Pozzi G (1996). Characterization of conjugative transposon Tn5251 of Streptococcus pneumoniae. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 135(2-3):231-6. [PudMed:8595862] experimental
(3) Ayoubi P; Kilic AO; Vijayakumar MN (1991). Tn5253, the pneumococcal omega (cat tet) BM6001 element, is a composite structure of two conjugative transposons, Tn5251 and Tn5252. J Bacteriol. 173(5):1617-22. [PudMed:1847905] experimental
experimental experimental literature