Detailed information of oriT


The information of the oriT region

oriTDB ID   100012
Name   oriT_pTSA in_silico
Organism   Comamonas testosteroni
Sequence Completeness      intact
NCBI accession of oriT (coordinates [strand])   AF305549 ( , 300 nt)
oriT length   300 nt
IRs (inverted repeats)      55..72, 75..92  (TGAAGATAGATAACCGGC..GCCGGTTAGCTAACTTCA)
Location of nic site      101..102
Conserved sequence flanking the
  nic site  
Note   IncP1 oriT

  oriT sequence  

Download         Length: 300 nt


Visualization of oriT structure

  oriT secondary structure

Predicted by RNAfold.

Download structure file


[1] Tralau T et al. (2001) Map of the IncP1beta plasmid pTSA encoding the widespread genes (tsa) for p-toluenesulfonate degradation in Comamonas testosteroni T-2. Appl Environ Microbiol. 67(4):1508-16. [PMID:11282598]

Host bacterium

ID   11 GenBank   AF305549
Plasmid name   pTSA Incompatibility group   IncP1
Plasmid size   300 bp Coordinate of oriT [Strand]   _
Host baterium   Comamonas testosteroni

Cargo genes

Drug resistance gene   _
Virulence gene   _
Metal resistance gene   mercury resistance
Degradation gene   degradation of p-toluenesulfonate
Symbiosis gene   -
Anti-CRISPR   -