Detailed information of auxiliary protein

Auxiliary protein

ID   21 GenBank   NP_052944
Name   TraY_R100 experimental UniProt ID   _
Length   127 a.a. PDB ID   _
Note   TraM of plasmid R100, responsible for initiation of conjugal transfer and conjugal-DNA metabolism

  Protein sequence

Download         Length: 127 a.a.        Molecular weight: 14508.47 Da        Isoelectric Point: 4.7116

>NP_052944.1 traM (plasmid) [Shigella flexneri 2b]

  Protein domains

Predicted by InterproScan


  Protein structure

No available structure.


[1] Paterson ES et al. (1999) Genetic analysis of the mobilization and leading regions of the IncN plasmids pKM101 and pCU1. J Bacteriol. 181(8):2572-83. [PMID:10198024]