Information of mobile element
ID 11
Element type ICE (Conjugative transposon)
ICE name ICEBs1
ICEberg accesion number 59
GenBank accession number AL009126.3
Family ICEBs1
Genome size 20510 bp
Coordinate of oriT  [+/-] 534790..534813 [+]
Drug resistance _
Heavy-metal resistance _
Virulence factor _
Xenobiotic degradation _
Strain [Taxonomy ID] Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168 [224308]

[1] Lee CA et al (2012) The Bacillus subtilis conjugative transposon ICEBs1 mobilizes plasmids lacking dedicated mobilization functions. J Bacteriol. 194(12):3165-72. [PMID:22505685]