
MGE detailed information

MGE type: Non-Mobilizable plasmid        MGE length: 92714 bp
Accession: NZ_CP122597        Location: 1..92714         Organism: Escherichia coli strain ETEC6335       Replicon: plasmid unnamed9

Gene structure

The 5 kb flanking regions of this MGE are displayed.

Locus tag Coordinates Strand Size (bp) Protein ID Product Description
QDY30_RS27750 (QDY30_27760) 1..6768 + 6768 WP_282867101.1 N-6 DNA methylase -
QDY30_RS27755 (QDY30_27765) 6802..7242 + 441 WP_000224043.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27760 (QDY30_27770) 7239..7487 + 249 WP_000747846.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27765 (QDY30_27775) 7529..8833 - 1305 WP_064669538.1 SIR2 family protein -
QDY30_RS27770 (QDY30_27780) 8890..9531 - 642 WP_001376241.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27775 (QDY30_27785) 9720..10280 - 561 WP_000848364.1 Ref family protein -
QDY30_RS27780 (QDY30_27790) 10527..10838 - 312 WP_023351936.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27785 (QDY30_27795) 10889..11920 - 1032 WP_000067530.1 site-specific integrase -
QDY30_RS27790 (QDY30_27800) 11928..12149 - 222 WP_000542332.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27795 (QDY30_27805) 12753..12962 + 210 WP_000874154.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27800 (QDY30_27810) 13073..13924 + 852 WP_000611657.1 phage repressor protein C1 -
QDY30_RS27805 (QDY30_27815) 13950..15434 - 1485 WP_000124150.1 terminase -
QDY30_RS27810 (QDY30_27820) 15434..16627 - 1194 WP_096321055.1 terminase -
QDY30_RS27815 (QDY30_27825) 16713..17165 - 453 WP_001326849.1 late promoter-activating protein -
QDY30_RS27820 (QDY30_27830) 17254..18297 - 1044 WP_069187067.1 DUF968 domain-containing protein -
QDY30_RS27825 (QDY30_27835) 18325..18504 - 180 WP_001339207.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27830 (QDY30_27840) 18509..18889 - 381 WP_001216045.1 type II toxin-antitoxin system death-on-curing family toxin Toxin Detail
QDY30_RS27835 (QDY30_27845) 18889..19110 - 222 WP_001190712.1 type II toxin-antitoxin system Phd/YefM family antitoxin Antitoxin Detail
QDY30_RS27840 (QDY30_27850) 19293..20849 + 1557 WP_096314329.1 type I restriction-modification system subunit M -
QDY30_RS27845 (QDY30_27855) 20846..22054 + 1209 WP_106108225.1 restriction endonuclease subunit S -
QDY30_RS27850 (QDY30_27860) 22176..25292 + 3117 WP_106108224.1 HsdR family type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease -
QDY30_RS27855 (QDY30_27865) 25557..26063 - 507 WP_000021768.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27860 (QDY30_27870) 26137..27399 - 1263 WP_282867116.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27865 (QDY30_27875) 27701..28402 - 702 WP_000684845.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27870 (QDY30_27880) 28399..29076 - 678 WP_282867118.1 metallophosphoesterase -
QDY30_RS27875 (QDY30_27885) 29073..29699 - 627 WP_000484112.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27880 (QDY30_27890) 30201..30356 - 156 WP_000095381.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27885 (QDY30_27895) 30423..31001 - 579 WP_000943609.1 VRR-NUC domain-containing protein -
QDY30_RS27890 (QDY30_27900) 31004..31249 - 246 WP_000840931.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27895 (QDY30_27905) 31513..31773 + 261 WP_001361632.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27900 (QDY30_27910) 31783..33000 + 1218 WP_001141906.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27905 (QDY30_27915) 33004..33732 + 729 WP_000896806.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27910 (QDY30_27920) 33719..34504 + 786 WP_000602713.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27915 (QDY30_27925) 34506..35522 + 1017 WP_000212018.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27920 (QDY30_27930) 35515..36147 + 633 WP_000535208.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27925 (QDY30_27935) 36193..37191 - 999 WP_041124258.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27930 (QDY30_27940) 37191..38555 - 1365 WP_001276599.1 replicative DNA helicase -
QDY30_RS27940 (QDY30_27950) 39022..39186 - 165 WP_000146941.1 DUF3927 family protein -
QDY30_RS27945 (QDY30_27955) 39186..39620 - 435 WP_000467133.1 TerB family tellurite resistance protein -
QDY30_RS27960 (QDY30_27970) 41378..43396 - 2019 WP_064670746.1 Dam family site-specific DNA-(adenine-N6)-methyltransferase -
QDY30_RS27965 (QDY30_27975) 43393..44298 - 906 WP_000472529.1 recombination-associated protein RdgC -
QDY30_RS27970 (QDY30_27980) 44291..44575 - 285 WP_001177860.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27975 (QDY30_27985) 45038..45826 + 789 WP_000890210.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27980 (QDY30_27990) 45866..46288 + 423 WP_000007764.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27985 (QDY30_27995) 46314..46454 + 141 WP_000336812.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27990 (QDY30_28000) 46466..46858 + 393 WP_274822790.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS27995 (QDY30_28005) 47194..48078 + 885 WP_001113742.1 RepB family plasmid replication initiator protein -
QDY30_RS28000 (QDY30_28010) 48371..49180 + 810 WP_001154678.1 GIY-YIG nuclease family protein -
QDY30_RS28005 (QDY30_28015) 49349..50545 + 1197 WP_001285362.1 AAA family ATPase -
QDY30_RS28010 (QDY30_28020) 50562..51563 + 1002 WP_029490196.1 ParB family protein -
QDY30_RS28015 (QDY30_28025) 51789..53495 + 1707 WP_000067710.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28020 (QDY30_28030) 53556..55145 + 1590 WP_282867076.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28025 (QDY30_28035) 55155..55967 + 813 WP_000041768.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28030 (QDY30_28040) 56003..56584 + 582 WP_000035301.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28035 (QDY30_28045) 56596..57105 + 510 WP_000509939.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28040 (QDY30_28050) 57265..58376 + 1112 Protein_55 IS4 family transposase IS186B Transposase
QDY30_RS28045 (QDY30_28055) 58570..58725 - 156 WP_001313475.1 type I toxin-antitoxin system toxin HokD -
QDY30_RS28050 (QDY30_28060) 58907..59152 - 246 WP_001426344.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28055 (QDY30_28065) 59203..60048 - 846 WP_001313473.1 helix-turn-helix domain-containing protein -
QDY30_RS28060 (QDY30_28070) 60078..60878 - 801 WP_001187875.1 phage antirepressor KilAC domain-containing protein -
QDY30_RS28065 (QDY30_28075) 61042..62085 - 1044 WP_000743164.1 phage antirepressor Ant -
QDY30_RS28070 (QDY30_28080) 62082..62303 - 222 Protein_61 host cell division inhibitor Icd-like protein -
QDY30_RS28075 (QDY30_28085) 62925..63437 + 513 WP_000039791.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28080 (QDY30_28090) 63441..63980 + 540 WP_047630001.1 DUF5384 family protein -
QDY30_RS28085 (QDY30_28095) 64061..64627 + 567 WP_000188920.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28090 (QDY30_28100) 64638..65249 + 612 WP_000523980.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28095 (QDY30_28105) 65264..66145 + 882 WP_047629998.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28100 (QDY30_28110) 66227..69649 + 3423 WP_072643891.1 transglycosylase SLT domain-containing protein -
QDY30_RS28105 (QDY30_28115) 69649..70005 + 357 WP_000002800.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28110 (QDY30_28120) 70002..71435 + 1434 WP_000047923.1 bleomycin hydrolase -
QDY30_RS28115 (QDY30_28125) 71435..72271 + 837 WP_001189838.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28120 (QDY30_28130) 72350..72784 + 435 WP_001286328.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28125 (QDY30_28135) 72796..75636 + 2841 WP_282867086.1 tail fiber protein -
QDY30_RS28130 (QDY30_28140) 75640..76167 + 528 WP_001164120.1 tail fiber assembly protein -
QDY30_RS28135 (QDY30_28145) 76196..76729 - 534 WP_047630150.1 tail fiber assembly protein -
QDY30_RS28140 (QDY30_28150) 76732..77967 - 1236 WP_094319512.1 phage tail protein -
QDY30_RS28145 (QDY30_28155) 78015..78575 - 561 WP_000905118.1 Tn3 family transposase TnpR_ISPa38 Transposase
QDY30_RS28150 (QDY30_28160) 78703..78984 + 282 WP_000332810.1 phage holin family protein -
QDY30_RS28155 (QDY30_28165) 79052..79381 + 330 WP_000887652.1 phage holin family protein -
QDY30_RS28160 (QDY30_28170) 79378..79821 + 444 WP_072643810.1 lysis protein -
QDY30_RS28165 (QDY30_28175) 79808..80410 + 603 WP_001345482.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28170 (QDY30_28180) 80412..82331 + 1920 WP_032163796.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28175 (QDY30_28185) 82328..82693 + 366 WP_077520718.1 ddrA -
QDY30_RS28180 (QDY30_28190) 82706..85693 + 2988 WP_282867094.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28185 (QDY30_28195) 85683..86003 + 321 WP_032271837.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28190 (QDY30_28200) 86207..86494 - 288 WP_059242044.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28195 (QDY30_28205) 86741..87529 - 789 WP_282867099.1 hypothetical protein -
QDY30_RS28200 (QDY30_28210) 87536..88213 - 678 WP_001062013.1 DUF2829 domain-containing protein -
QDY30_RS28205 (QDY30_28215) 88411..88899 - 489 WP_000068867.1 single-stranded DNA-binding protein -
QDY30_RS28210 (QDY30_28220) 89069..89626 + 558 WP_001345478.1 lysozyme -
QDY30_RS28215 (QDY30_28225) 89918..90937 - 1020 WP_000132937.1 head processing protein -
QDY30_RS28220 (QDY30_28230) 90930..92639 - 1710 WP_000774705.1 hypothetical protein -

Similar MGE(s)

Similar MGE(s) is defined as other TA-related MGE(s) with Mash distance < 0.01 to this MGE.

Detail Organism MGE type Related TA Genome accession Coordinates Mash