TcpC is a component of Tcp T4SS. TcpC is structurally related to the VirB8 and contributes to the stability and integrity of the conjugation apparatus

Proteins belonging to this kind of component are listed
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#ComponentProtein ID T4SS Accession Organism
1 TcpC86559561TcpNC_007772Clostridium perfringens CPE str. F4969 plasmid pCPF4969 (NC_007772)
2 TcpC209947589TcpNC_011412Clostridium perfringens plasmid pCP8533etx (NC_011412)
3 TcpC86559676TcpNC_007773Clostridium perfringens plasmid pCPF5603 (NC_007773)
4 TcpC338815031TcpNC_015712Clostridium perfringens plasmid pCPPB-1 (NC_015712)
5 TcpC190015768TcpNC_010937Clostridium perfringens plasmid pCW3 (NC_010937)
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