Detailed information of TA system    

insolicoBioinformatically predicted


TA module

Type II Classification (family/domain) relBE/RelE-RelB
Location 348108..348667 Replicon chromosome
Accession NZ_OW443151
Organism Vibrio cholerae strain CNRVC190247 isolate YE-NCPHL-18035-PI

Toxin (Protein)

Gene name relE Uniprot ID A0A0Q0N9E9
Locus tag OC536_RS15815 Protein ID WP_000578475.1
Coordinates 348108..348386 (-) Length 93 a.a.

Antitoxin (Protein)

Gene name relB Uniprot ID Q9L991
Locus tag OC536_RS15820 Protein ID WP_000381183.1
Coordinates 348383..348667 (-) Length 95 a.a.

Genomic Context

Locus tag Coordinates Strand Size (bp) Protein ID Product Description
OC536_RS15770 (CNRVC190247_03154) 343347..343802 + 456 Protein_318 GNAT family N-acetyltransferase -
OC536_RS15775 (CNRVC190247_03155) 343949..344308 + 360 WP_000609948.1 HNH endonuclease signature motif containing protein -
OC536_RS15780 (CNRVC190247_03156) 344476..344754 - 279 WP_000578473.1 type II toxin-antitoxin system mRNA interferase toxin, RelE/StbE family -
OC536_RS15785 (CNRVC190247_03157) 344751..345035 - 285 WP_000381186.1 type II toxin-antitoxin system RelB/DinJ family antitoxin -
OC536_RS15790 345647..345853 + 207 WP_080284769.1 DUF3709 domain-containing protein -
OC536_RS15795 (CNRVC190247_03158) 346170..346562 + 393 WP_001085003.1 nuclear transport factor 2 family protein -
OC536_RS15800 (CNRVC190247_03159) 346702..346989 + 288 WP_032477325.1 hypothetical protein -
OC536_RS15805 347492..347560 + 69 Protein_325 acetyltransferase -
OC536_RS15810 347739..347909 + 171 WP_080284771.1 DUF645 family protein -
OC536_RS15815 (CNRVC190247_03161) 348108..348386 - 279 WP_000578475.1 type II toxin-antitoxin system mRNA interferase toxin, RelE/StbE family Toxin
OC536_RS15820 (CNRVC190247_03162) 348383..348667 - 285 WP_000381183.1 type II toxin-antitoxin system RelB/DinJ family antitoxin Antitoxin
OC536_RS15825 348783..348926 + 144 WP_080284772.1 acetyltransferase -
OC536_RS15830 349026..349202 + 177 WP_001891218.1 DUF645 family protein -
OC536_RS15835 349583..349736 + 154 Protein_331 DUF645 family protein -
OC536_RS15840 350248..350374 + 127 Protein_332 DUF3265 domain-containing protein -
OC536_RS15845 350480..350539 + 60 WP_229022487.1 hypothetical protein -
OC536_RS15850 350527..350769 + 243 WP_232060211.1 DUF3709 domain-containing protein -
OC536_RS15855 350961..351152 + 192 WP_113707167.1 disulfide bond formation protein DsbD -
OC536_RS15860 351170..351406 + 237 WP_032477346.1 DUF3709 domain-containing protein -
OC536_RS15865 351797..351979 + 183 WP_032477360.1 DUF645 family protein -
OC536_RS15870 (CNRVC190247_03163) 352631..352951 + 321 WP_000248687.1 DUF4144 domain-containing protein -
OC536_RS15875 (CNRVC190247_03164) 353107..353493 + 387 WP_029628680.1 MmcQ/YjbR family DNA-binding protein -

Associated MGEs

MGE Type Cargo ARG Virulence gene Coordinates Length (bp)
- inside Genomic island qnrVC4 - 308122..375907 67785
- inside Integron qnrVC4 - 308793..373362 64569

Relative position:
(1) inside: TA loci is completely located inside the MGE;
(2) overlap: TA loci is partially overlapped with the MGE;
(3) flank: The TA loci is located in the 5 kb flanking regions of MGE.



Download         Length: 93 a.a.        Molecular weight: 10824.53 Da        Isoelectric Point: 4.6794

>T295415 WP_000578475.1 NZ_OW443151:c348386-348108 [Vibrio cholerae]

Download         Length: 279 bp


Download         Length: 95 a.a.        Molecular weight: 10901.25 Da        Isoelectric Point: 8.0775

>AT295415 WP_000381183.1 NZ_OW443151:c348667-348383 [Vibrio cholerae]

Download         Length: 285 bp

Similar Proteins

Only experimentally validated proteins are listed.

Protein Organism Identities (%) Coverage (%) Ha-value
Protein Organism Identities (%) Coverage (%) Ha-value



Source ID Structure
AlphaFold DB A0A0Q0N9E9


Source ID Structure
AlphaFold DB A0A067BL33
