Replicon: chromosome I (4098576 bp, NCBI PROJECT ID:29855) [RefSeq AC: NC_012695]
Organism: Burkholderia pseudomallei MSHR346
Lineage: Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Betaproteobacteria; Burkholderiales; Burkholderiaceae; Burkholderia; Burkholderia pseudomallei
Genome: Chromosome No. : [Size (Kb): 3250; G+C content (%): 68; ORFs No. : 3391]
                Plasmid No. :
Sequencing Project: Los Alamos National Lab, DOE Joint Genome Institute;                 NCBI project id: 29855 ; Animal Pathogen, Medical, Human Pathogen
Cellular Features: Gram-; Rod-shaped; ; ; Motile; Free living
Environment: Oxygen Req.: Aerobe;
Temperature: Mesophile
Phenotype: Pathogen ; Disease: Melioidosis
Habitat: Soil
Host: Homo sapiens
Isolation Site: sputum of a melioidosis patient who was admitted to the Royal Darwin Hospital, Northern Territory, Australia in 1995
Linkout: NCBI taxid: 536230; MicrobesOnline ; GOLD CARD