Replicon: chromosome (4851126 bp, NCBI PROJECT ID:30351) [RefSeq AC: NC_010943]
Organism: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia K279a
Lineage: Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Xanthomonadales; Xanthomonadaceae; Stenotrophomonas; Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Genome: Chromosome No. : 1 [Size (Kb): 4851; G+C content (%): 66.3; ORFs No. : 4386]
                Plasmid No. : 0
Sequencing Project: Sanger Institute; 2008/6/9; Genome Biology 9, R74
                NCBI project id: 30351 ; Medical, Human Pathogen
Cellular Features: Gram-; ; ; ; ; Free living
Environment: Oxygen Req.: Aerobe;
Temperature: Mesophile
Phenotype: Pathogen, Nonfermentative ; Disease: Pulmonary infection, Opportunistic infection, Nosocomial infection, Bacteremia
Habitat: Fresh water, Soil, Plants, Host
Host: Homo sapiens ; Patient undergoing chemotherapy
Isolation Site: Blood of a elderly male patient undergoing chemotherapy at the Bristol Oncology Unit, Bristol, UK in 1998 ; collection date: 1988
Linkout: NCBI taxid: 522373; MicrobesOnline ; GOLD CARD