I. Information of IME
ICEberg ID203_IME
Name SGI1-K5 This is a predicted IME derived from literature
OrganismSalmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Kentucky
Size (bp)-
GC content [Genome] (%)
Insertion site3'-end of the trmE
Functionaac(3)I-d, aaadA7, sul1, mer, tetR
Species that IME can be transferred to-
Nucleotide SequenceEU664606 (partical IME sequence)
Putative oriT region -
Putative relaxase -

II. IME interaction with ICE/CIME/Plasmids

The interaction information of SGI1-K5 is not available.

The graph information of SGI1-K5 components from EU664606
Incomplete gene list of SGI1-K5 from EU664606
#GeneCoordinates [+/-], size (bp) Product *Reannotation 
1tetR1..39 [-], 39tetracycline resistance repressor protein
2tnpA232..782 [-], 551putative transposase proteinIntegrase 
integrase Gene may contribute to site-specific recombination

ElementNo. of sequencesDownload
Nucleotide sequences1Fasta
(1) Doublet B; Praud K; Bertrand S; Collard JM; Weill FX; Cloeckaert A (2008). Novel insertion sequence- and transposon-mediated genetic rearrangements in genomic island SGI1 of Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 52(10):3745-54. [PudMed:18676889]