I. Information of ICE
ICEberg ID399
Name CTn2 This is a predicted ICE derived from literature
OrganismClostridium difficile 630
Size (bp)39531
GC content [Genome] (%)35.25
Insertion site-
Species that ICE can be transferred to-
Nucleotide SequenceAM180355 (complete ICE sequence in this genome)
Replicon chromosome (4290252 bp, BioProject:78) [NC_009089]
Genome coordinates480597..520127 
Putative oriT region -
Putative relaxase coordinates: 505616..506947; Locus tag: CD630_04250;  Family:  MOBP

II. ICE interaction with IME/CIME/

The interaction information of CTn2 is not available.

The graph information of CTn2 components from AM180355
Complete gene list of CTn2 from AM180355
#Gene Coordinates [+/-], size (bp) Product 
(GenBank annotation)
1fba476743..477669 [-], 927Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase
2CD630_04040477999..478328 [+], 330conserved hypothetical protein, DUF1904 family
3rluA478328..479050 [+], 723Ribosomal small subunit pseudouridine synthase A
4CD630_04060479074..480435 [+], 1362putative tRNA (Uracil-5-)-methyltransferase
5CD630_04080480432..480590 [+], 159conserved hypothetical protein
6CD630_04081480597..480878 [+], 282putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf2
7CD630_04090480966..481745 [+], 780putative replication initiation protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf2
8CD630_04100481742..482593 [+], 852putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf3
9CD630_04110482590..483075 [+], 486putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf4
10CD630_04120483072..484856 [+], 1785putative conjugative transfer protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf5
11CD630_04121484903..484995 [+], 93putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf6
12CD630_04130485020..485331 [+], 312putative single-strand DNA-binding protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf7
13CD630_04140485335..485550 [+], 216putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf8
14CD630_04150485569..486432 [+], 864putative membrane protein Tn1549-like,CTn2-Orf9
15CD630_04160486450..486713 [+], 264putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf10
16CD630_04170486717..487106 [+], 390putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf11
17CD630_04180487054..489447 [+], 2394putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf12PrgJ, T4SS component 
18CD630_04190489451..491583 [+], 2133putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf13
19CD630_04191491595..491834 [+], 240putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf14
20CD630_04200491809..493350 [+], 1542putative cell surface protein Tn1549-like,CTn2-Orf15
21CD630_04210493445..495151 [+], 1707DNA topoisomerase protein, type IA,Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf16
22CD630_04220495236..496039 [+], 804putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf17
23CD630_04230496122..504845 [+], 8724putative DNA/RNA helicase Tn1549-like,CTn2-Orf18
24CD630_04240504888..505547 [+], 660putative nucleic acid-binding protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf19
25CD630_04250505616..506947 [-], 1332putative endonuclease relaxase Tn1549-like,CTn2-Orf20Relaxase, MOBP Family
26CD630_04260506953..507303 [-], 351putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf21
27CD630_04270507601..507825 [+], 225Transcriptional regulator, HTH-type Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf22
28CD630_04280507912..508880 [+], 969Transcriptional regulator, AraC family Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf23
29CD630_04290509017..509619 [+], 603putative membrane protein Tn1549-like,CTn2-Orf24
30CD630_04300509624..510316 [+], 693ABC-type transport system, cobalt-specific permease Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf25
31CD630_04310510328..511800 [+], 1473ABC-type transport system, cobalt-specific ATP-binding protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf26
32CD630_04320511805..513520 [+], 1716ABC-type transport system, multidrug-family permease Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf27
33CD630_04330513521..515269 [+], 1749ABC-type transport system, multidrug-family permease Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf28
34CD630_04340515285..516637 [+], 1353putative drug/sodium antiporter, MATE family,Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf29
35CD630_04341516647..516835 [+], 189putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf30
36CD630_04350516879..517364 [+], 486putative sigma factor Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf31
37CD630_04351517598..517735 [+], 138putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf32
38CD630_04352517828..517974 [+], 147putative conjugative transposon protein Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf33
39CD630_04360518036..519802 [+], 1767putative recombinase Tn1549-like, CTn2-Orf34Integrase 
40CD630_04370519912..520127 [-], 216Fragment of integrase Tn1549-like, CTn2 (C-terminal region)
41CD630_04371520154..520309 [+], 156conserved hypothetical protein
42CD630_04380520353..521387 [+], 1035conserved hypothetical protein
43CD630_04390521474..521677 [+], 204conserved hypothetical protein
44CD630_04400521848..523008 [+], 1161putative cell wall binding protein
45CD630_04401523268..523408 [+], 141putative phage protein
flank Flanking regions

ElementNo. of sequencesDownload
Nucleotide sequences1Fasta
(1) Sebaihia M; Wren BW; Mullany P; Fairweather NF; Minton N; Stabler R; Thomson NR; Roberts AP; Cerdeno-Tarraga AM; Wang H; Holden MT; Wright A; Churcher C; Quail MA; Baker S; Bason N; Brooks K; Chillingworth T; Cronin A; Davis P; Dowd L; Fraser A; Feltwell T; Hance Z; Holroyd S; Jagels K; Moule S; Mungall K; Price C; Rabbinowitsch E; Sharp S; Simmonds M; Stevens K; Unwin L; Whithead S; Dupuy B; Dougan G; Barrell B; Parkhill J (2006). The multidrug-resistant human pathogen Clostridium difficile has a highly mobile, mosaic genome. Nat Genet. 38(7):779-86. [PubMed:16804543]