I. Information of ICE
ICEberg ID382
Name Tn5382(5-F9) This ICE is derived from experimental literature
ICEO ID ICEO_0000755
OrganismStreptococcus lutetiensis 5-F9
Size (bp)-
GC content [Genome] (%)-
Insertion site-
Species that ICE can be transferred to-
Nucleotide SequenceAY035703 (partial ICE sequence)
Putative oriT region -
Putative relaxase -

II. ICE interaction with IME/CIME/

The interaction information of Tn5382(5-F9) is not available.

The graph information of Tn5382(5-F9) components from AY035703
Incomplete gene list of Tn5382(5-F9) from AY035703
#Gene Coordinates [+/-], size (bp) Product 
(GenBank annotation)
1vanB21..438 [+], 438ligase VanB2

ElementNo. of sequencesDownload
Nucleotide sequences1Fasta
(1) Dahl KH; Sundsfjord A (2003). Transferable vanB2 Tn5382-containing elements in fecal streptococcal strains from veal calves. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 47(8):2579-83. [PubMed:12878522] experimental
experimental experimental literature